Are Calico Cats Hypoallergenic?

Wouldn’t it be great if you could own a pet without your allergies kicking in? Are calico cats hypoallergenic? For the majority of us, our only hope for this is to seek out hypoallergenic breeds. However, there are still some questions about whether or not calicos are truly hypoallergenic despite reports that seem to indicate they might be.

These are cats who have been shown scientifically to produce fewer allergic reactions than other breeds due to their unique skin and saliva properties. The truth is, nobody has done research on them yet- so we’re left with educated guesses based on anecdotal evidence rather than incontrovertible fact.

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If you have read it in the past, you may remember that calicos are believed to be hypoallergenic. However, this is a common misconception.

The truth is, there is no scientific evidence to indicate that calicos are hypoallergenic. In fact, many people who have been hoping for a solution to their allergies through these beautiful cats seem to be disappointed by their reaction when they bring home a calico cat or kitten.

The main problem with the current state of scientific knowledge about calicos as hypoallergenic pets is that there has not been any large-scale testing done on them yet to confirm what we think we know about them. All we have to go on are small-scale studies that may or may not be valid.

“Although there appears to be a lot of anecdotal evidence from those who have successfully raised calico cats, there is no scientific evidence that they are hypoallergenic.” – Dr. Kat Arney PhD. MRCVS (British Veterinary Association)
The issue with using anecdotal elephant research is that the results may not prove what some people hope they will prove.

The main difference between a myth and a mythological truth is how many people believe it to be true. If it is only a small number of people who believe the myth, then it will be difficult to prove or disprove. But if people believe a myth to be true in large numbers, scientific research can be done to determine the actual truth.

The current state of science tells us that the calico cat breed may or may not be hypoallergenic. We can’t say one way or another- but some people still claim that they have successfully raised calico cats and have been happier with their allergies than they were before they bought a calico cat.

Therefore, you may want to look into the possibility of adopting or buying a calico cat if this sounds appealing to you. Not only are calico cats beautiful, but they could also help you avoid allergy attacks in your home.

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Be sure to look into whether or not the parents of your calico kittens are hypoallergenic. If they themselves are hypoallergenic, then you can expect that the kitten has passed this trait on to her. Ask the pet store or breeder you plan on purchasing a calico from for more information about the parents.

But even in this case it’s still important to keep in mind that your environment could be causing allergic reactions as well, rather than being caused by cats at all. In this case, calicos may help you avoid allergies because they are a different breed from the ones currently living in your home.

But you may want to consider using a hypoallergenic vacuum cleaner, washing your clothing in hypoallergenic detergent and taking other steps to de-contaminate your environment. And, of course, you should make sure that you wash the hands of anyone who comes into contact with your pet.

If all else fails, take a look at the list of dog breeds known to be hypoallergenic to see which breeds might suit your family better. There are plenty of dogs who can make great pets for allergy sufferers.

This report takes a critical look at the claim that calico cats are hypoallergenic. It uses data from scientific studies and personal experience of allergic cat owners to come to the conclusion that calico cats are probably not hypoallergenic– in other words, they don’t cause fewer allergies than other breeds. However, there is still some anecdotal evidence that suggests otherwise.

If you already know all about calicos and whether or not they are hypoallergenic and you just want to know how to care for your new pet, click the button below!

“Interestingly, although black and white cats were considered to be the best choice for allergy sufferers in most of the studies, it was found that these were not any better than any other type of cat.” – Dr. Kat Arney PhD. MRCVS (British Veterinary Association).

The debate on whether calico cats are hypoallergenic or not has been answered above but we should also know that calicos are indeed friendly. They always want to play with their owners and run up to them when they come home. If they want your attention, all they have to do is meow!

When Calicos are stressed, however, they get aggressors. They may start growling or hissing at their owner as a means of defending themselves against whatever it is that has upset them. In one case, a calico cat bit into its owner’s nose when the owner tried to put him in the carrier alone.

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The only time cats should be put in carriers alone is if you’re taking them out on a long trip without your other cat(s). If you’re taking a cat with you, it’s always a good idea to keep your cat away from the carrier during the entire trip.

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This is not because calicos are particularly dangerous animals, but because the noise can be very disturbing and scary to them. Likewise, if your other cat has just been stressed by being put in the carrier alone, it could startle or frighten your calico and cause a reaction.

The key to preventing your calico from getting stressed is to introduce her to the carrier before you take her anywhere. Let her explore the carrier and get comfortable with it. Let her feel that it’s a nice and friendly place where she can hang out sometimes.

Once your calico is comfortable in the carrier, you can let her have fun inside it with toys while you rest near by on the couch. This will give your calico a chance to associate having fun with being in the carrier alone.

Once enough time has passed, she should be more relaxed and not feel as uncomfortable when you place her into the carrier for short periods of time- like going to the vet or going for a ride in your car.

If she doesn’t feel comfortable in the carrier, you can try taking her with you to another place that she’s not as familiar with. Make sure to take your other cat along with you so they can get used to each other before their calico gets put into the carrier.

Absolutely do NOT try to pick up your calico, place her in a carrier and put her on a plane or ship. Her stress level could become dangerous at any minute, and it could trigger an allergic reaction. Calicos are highly susceptible to motion sickness as are several other types of animals

In most cases, your calico cat should be able to adapt to being around other cats without any problems if you have taken proper precautions. If not, she may start to show her discomfort around other cats.

Your calico cat could start to throw herself on the ground when she hears another cat walking by, meowing and scratching at the closed door. In extreme cases, this could lead to your calico becoming aggressive towards other cats and biting them.

If your calico starts displaying any signs of aggression towards humans, this is a medical emergency that should be addressed with a veterinarian as soon as possible. Your calico may have become frightened of people or she may have developed some sort of nervous system disorder.

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A calico cat is a very beautiful animal. If you have had your eye on one or you already own or care for one, then you may be wondering what this unique breed of cat needs in terms of care. Here are some tips that can help you take care of your new companion.

Calico cats are playful and intelligent. They love play time as well as time spent napping in your lap. They also like lots of exercise and taking walks outside.

Calico cats are very social animals and love to be around other cats. This is why they thrive in a home with other cats, especially as kittens- as socialization is crucial to the development of their personality.

Calico cats should be kept indoors or in a cat playroom that has good ventilation and is secure. They can interact well with other cats, but also enjoy being around people as well. If you have children, you may want to let them play with your cat when they’re feeling brave!

When it comes to feeding your cat, there are no differences between the nutritional needs of a calico cat and those of any other breed. Feline owners should be able to not just be concerned on whether their calico cats are hypoallergenic or not but also to be able to care for them

Overall, calicos are a very friendly and sweet breed of cat. They make great companions for people with allergies and those who are interested in getting a cat that’s different from the rest.

Calicos may or may not be hypoallergenic, but they make up for that by displaying many other positive traits. Their lack of a coat does not prohibit them from being an excellent pet; they are so intelligent that they can learn tricks and have been trained in obedience classes with ease.

Calicos do not have any extra health requirements due to their coat color; they need normal veterinary care like any other cat. I’m sure this article has given you all the knowledge you need to get about if calico cats are hypoallergenic or not.

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